Saturday, July 10, 2010


The swim yesterday was brill! My first time back in the 50m and I'd forgotten how lovely the AIS main pool was. It was so good DJ and I went back for more today and Dee and Steve joined us. Earlier today Steve, Dee and I all joined the AIS gym too. It's a great deal - $57/month for as many classes as you like. You have to go out there to pay which sounds like a hassle but it isn't - if you're away or you don't get out there by the time you're due to pay, you just pay the next time you're there. So for now my payments are due on the 10th of each month, but when I go away on the trip I don't arrive home until 2weeks after that so I just pay then and it'll start from that date (say the 24th) and run to that date and no longer to the 10th. Does that make sense?

So on Monday we're doing "To the core" and on wednesday I'll do my first spin class ever - super excited and super crapping my pants at the same time! I'm so glad to have compression gear to get me through it. Tomorrow it's off to work at DFO again and then back to the pool for a swim and well earned spa. Right now though it's off to bed - this keeping healthy stuff is well tiring!

Oh, forgot to mention that I spoke to my Uncle William and Aunt Pauline today over skype. It was so good to see them (first time in 18 months) and was a welcome boost to have a chat with them.

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